12 Most Used Types of Timbers - Tree To Timber

12 Most Used Types of Timber

Timbers are a type of wood that is used in construction. There are many different types of timbers, and each has unique properties that make it suitable for different applications. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common types of timbers and what they are used for. We will also talk about the most expensive type of timber, and why it is so valuable.

What is Timber and What is it used for?

Timbers, also called lumbers are wood that has been cut into planks and are ready to be used. It is mostly used in construction. It is strong and durable, making it ideal for use in furniture making, buildings, bridges, and other structures. There are many different types of timbers, each with its unique characteristics. However, some timbers are better suited for certain applications than others.

Types of Timbers

Timbers can be classified into two main kinds of woods: hardwoods and softwoods.

Hardwood timbers are timbers that come from trees with broad leaves such as oak, maple, or ash. They have a higher density than softwood timbers which means they’re denser and heavier than their counterparts (soft timbers). This makes them more expensive because they take longer to grow but they also last longer than timbers.

Soft timbers are timbers that come from trees with needles such as pine or fir. They have a lower density than hard timbers which means they’re lighter and easier to work with. This makes them less expensive but they don’t last as long; soft timbers can be used for furniture making but will likely not withstand the elements as well as hard timbers.

The Most Common Types of Timbers

Birch Timber

Birch timbers are a type of hardwood timber. They are light in color and have a smooth texture. There are different types of birch timber which include White Birch, Yellow Birch, and Red Birch. Birch timbers are often used for furniture making and construction because they are strong and durable. It is also majorly used as plywood. Birch is most common because it is economical, long-lasting, heavy, hard, and mostly waterproof. However, birch is very slow-growing and prone to insect attacks

Pine Timber

They are a type of softwood timbers that come from the pine tree. There are various types of pine woods, but the most common is Cypress. Pine timbers have a very distinctive grain, and they are commonly used in furniture making because of their strength and durability. Pine timbers are often used for construction because they are lightweight and easy to work with, making them a popular choice for framing houses. They also have a natural resistance to decay and insects, which makes them a good option for outdoor applications.

Oak Timber

Oak timbers are a type of hardwood timber. They come from the oak tree, and there are many different types of oak timbers including white oak, red oak, and black oak. Oak timbers are often used for construction because they are strong and durable. They also have a decorative grain that makes them popular for furniture making and other woodworking projects. Oak timbers are typically used in cabinets because they have a beautiful pattern when laid out horizontally. Oak timbers are also used for cladding. They are resistant to fungal attack and generally very durable

Maple Timber

They are a type of hardwood or softwood timber that comes from the maple tree, the hard maple is called rock timbers. They are mostly used for flooring because they have a beautiful grain pattern and are resistant to scratching. They also have high shock resistance, so they are often used in bowling lanes. Maple timbers can be stained or painted to give your furniture piece an even more customized look!

Mahogany timbers

They come from the mahogany tree, mahogany timbers are a type of hardwood timber. They have a reddish-brown color and a smooth texture. Mahogany timbers are often used for furniture making because of their strength, durability, and beautiful grain pattern. Mahogany timbers are also resistant to decay and insects, making them a good option for outdoor applications. They are widely commercialized and are one of the most expensive timbers available.

Bamboo Timber

Bamboo timbers are a type of hardwood timber. They come from the bamboo tree. They are used in house construction because they are strong and durable. They come in different colors like light yellow, dark brown, and black. They’re utilized in a variety of ways, including in-veneer, paper, flute, window blinds, fishing rods, ladders, scaffolding, and carving. Bamboo timbers are subjected to insect attacks and are more pricey than other woods.

Cedar Timber

They come from different trees called cedar trees, cedar timber is a type of softwood timber. Cedar timbers are often used for construction because they are lightweight and moderately strong. They also have a natural resistance to decay and insects, which makes them a good option for outdoor applications. Cedar timbers are aromatic in their smell and it is an insect-repellent timber

Cherry Timber

They come from the cherry tree, cherry timbers is a type of hardwood timber. Cherry timbers are often called by the names of cherry timbers, but they are also used for making small furniture because of their beautiful grain pattern and durability. Cherry timbers are generally easier to work with than other hardwoods like oak timbers or maple timbers. Cherry timbers are often used in cabinets because they have a beautiful pattern when laid out horizontally. They are very commercialized and it is expensive timber

Walnut Timber

They come from the walnut tree, Walnut timbers are a type of hardwood timber that comes from several different kinds of trees. Walnut timbers are mostly brown and have a dark, rich color. Walnut timbers are often used in furniture making because of their strength and durability. They also have some natural resistance to decay and insects, which makes them a good option for outdoor applications.

Teak Timber

They come from the teak tree, Teak timbers are a type of hardwood timber. They are native to Thailand and Bangladesh. Teak timbers are used in house construction and boatbuilding because they are strong and durable. They have a high natural oil content, which makes them resistant to decay and insects. Teak timbers are very expensive timbers.

Beech Timber

They come from the beech tree, Beech timbers are a type of hardwood timber. They are native to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They are used for everything from firewood to construction to furniture making. However, they have bland grain therefore they don’t make fancy furniture.

Ash Timber

They come from the ash tree, Ash timbers are a type of hardwood timber. Ash timbers are used, in furniture making and tool handles because they are strong and durable. They also have a natural resistance to decay and insects. They make very pretty furniture and are not too expensive timbers

The Most Expensive Type of Timber

The most expensive type of timber is Genuine Mahogany. It comes from the mahogany tree, which is a tropical hardwood that grows in Central America and Africa. Mahogany timbers are highly sought after because they are strong and durable and have a beautiful reddish-brown color.

Mahogany timber is also resistant to decay and insects, making them a good option for outdoor applications. Genuine mahogany timbers can be very expensive, costing several times more than other types of hardwood timbers.

Uses of Timber

  • Fuel
  • Construction
  • Furniture making
  • Paper
  • Plywood

Whether you’re looking for strong and durable timber to use in construction or want beautiful wood for furniture making, there is a type of timber out there that will fit your needs. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the different types of timbers available and find the perfect one for your next project!

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